HOMe is so grateful to everyone who made it out to our Open House and HOMeTown BBQ on April 7! Our community showed up in a big way and raised almost $8,000 to go towards unexpected renovation costs to our South Campus location.

We are especially grateful to the men from F3 who cooked up all the delicious BBQ and gathered all the raffle prizes for us. Not to mention the countless volunteer hours they spent repairing and renovating the house.  They truly have a heart for their community.

Last but not least, we cannot begin to express how much we are grateful to Centre Church for leasing their former parsonage to HOMe for $0 a month to be used as a safe haven for women and children who have completed our program, but still need a place to stay until permanent housing becomes available.

HOMe is excited to partner with Centre Church as they minister to the guests we serve.